Activity Trackers – Worth It or Not?

fitbitThere are many types of fitness trackers and they are not cheap.  I was wanted one but cost gave me pause, are they worth it?  Are they accurate?  Will it make a difference in me hitting my goals?  All good questions, even with me doing my own research there were so many mixed reviews.  I jumped at the chance to when I saw a refurbished Fitbit Charge HR for just over half the retail price.  The best way to answer my questions is to get one and try it out for myself.

I have had it for two weeks now and I am quite impressed.  First of all one of my concerns was accuracy!  So I put it to the test, I took a reading, counted my steps and the times that I did this it was only two or three steps off.  Pretty good.  Walking is a great tool in weight loss and can improve so many aspects of our health.  I will be doing a blog tomorrow on these aspects that you may not even know.up

I specially like that it tracks my sleep.  Sleep is very important to my efforts of weight loss or maintaining my weight.  It also plays a roll in my blood sugar levels, blood pressure and even eye sight.

A mentor of my once said, “What can be measured can be improved!”  If you don’t measure you never know, so you also don’t know if you have improved it.  Watch my full post below!   I give activity trackers the thumbs up!  At least the Fitbit Charge HR.

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